CAT // CT 681

The CAT CT681 Spec video for Catepillar Trucks was one of the most complex and best looking projects I had worked on so far. Combining elements from Maya and V-Ray with matte painted set-extensions inside Nuke proved to be a challenging and educational process, but an extremely fun one.
It was my first time really working with multiple channels from an Open EXR file to composite 3D passes for the best results. It was also the first time I worked inside Nuke's 3D space, using tracked cameras, cards, sphere environments, and animation inside Nuke. After all of this came together, I built my own complex system of setups in order to make lens flares that always came from the light sources in 3D space, along with mimicking In-Camera effects in post to recreate a more photo realistic and organic shot. Organizing and Animating the 2D graphics polished off the piece.